
"Your help, good advice and encouraging words helped me to overcome the fear and anxiety before the coming miracle. At the School for Moms I was able to put aside the fear, I learned how to enjoy my pregnancy. I believe I'll be a good mother, a counselor and a true wife to my husband".

Anna Kornyeva

"At the Life Care Center I learned the values and principles that are foundational for the family and marriage as a whole. I promise I'll follow your advice; moreover I'll try to apply it in my life. I loved your courses and the counsel on pregnancy, child rearing, getting ready for labor and also the creative workshop. Thank you for your support and understanding. Thank you for your answers to my questions.

Inna and Dmitriy Bondarenko

"We are thankful for your psychological help and advice before labor. Indeed, the woman who is pregnant with the first child, needs encouragement and advice from people who are experienced and in our town it's the only place where young parents can find support and useful video materials on "Labor" and "Taking care of an infant". And what is important is that it is done with a sincere heart.

I would like to thank you for the course "The Wife after the Husband's heart" that helped me see the mistakes I made. Following those principles has already brought fruit. We'll try to use the advice and remember your experience that you shared at the Child Rearing lessons.

Thank you for the prizes that we received from the Life Care Center. Bob, thank you for wonderful pictures of our pregnancy."

Arthur and Masha Tsap

The program "You Are Unique" is about the uniqueness of human life and the emotional needs of young people. Taking into consideration the fact that Ukraine ranks first in child pornography, prostitution, and HIV infections, such lectures are in great demand.

A better future for Ukraine won't just happen, it will happen with the help of people who care. This program is invaluable in improving the lives of the next generation.

Natalya Kolomiyets (English Professor, Izmail Maritime Institute)

Preventing risky behavior among teenagers and the restoration of family values are two of the most important goals for us. Classes that volunteers of the Life Care Center teach are very popular among the students. One program, "Changes", teaches 6th, 7th and 8th grade students how to live through puberty with less pain and confusion. It also helps them navigate changes they face in their relationships with parents, the opposite sex, and teaches the difference between true love and infatuation.

Students learn how to make right decisions about life, build self-esteem, understand basic emotional needs, build healthy relationships with the opposite sex and learn how to recognize causes and consequences of premature sexual activity. These are the topics that the volunteers of LCC address with 9th, 10th and 11th Grade students.
The high school students learn about the most common sexually transmitted diseases, the emotional consequences of contracting the diseases and how to make mature decisions about their future intimate life. The emphasis in the program is built on the premise that sexuality is a unique gift that every one has and which should be used only in marriage.

Anna Ganeva, school teacher

I’m thankful a lot to LCC for received knowledge. Thanks to Angela, Snezhana for support and understanding, to Ludmila for crafts lessons. Thanks to pastor Andrew for lessons “A Biblical Portrait of Marriage”. I’ve changed my life views, I’ve learned how to understand my spouse.

Thanks a lot. May God keep you.


Thanks a lot to carying people and real professionals in LCC for wonderful lessons in “School for Moms”. Thanks to Snezhana. I will go to deliver my baby like I would go to the holiday party, without fears and doubts. I know how to take care of the newborn. Thanks to Angela for knowledge about bringing up children and home economics. With the help of Luda we made a lot of fancy clothes for my baby. Thanks to pastor Andrew for the course “A Biblical Portrait of Marriage”. I’ve got to know that in family relations we always have a lot to aim at and improve our relationships. Thank you.


Dear Angela, Snezhana and Yana. I’m very glad that one day I got to know LCC. First when I came to the Center I wanted to know more information about delivery and care for a new-born d but in result I’ve got a lot more information. Thanks to you I’ve got rid of many fears about pregnancy and delivery and I began to face the future with optimism. I am waiting for the birth of my baby as long-expected holiday. I’m sure that knowledge and positive mood received in LCC I will use in my future life and it will help me to become a better wife and mother.

Thank you for your professionalism, understanding and support.


Thanks a lot for your Center. I had no idea that such a quality of the work exists. When I first came to you I was surprised by your attitude to us, pregnant women. I’m thankful for your attitude, warmth, care, attention, your ability to listen to us, to help and give advice. Your lessons are very cognitive. I had some information about pregnancy before but here I ‘ve got to know more. I am not scared to deliver because this day is the day of my baby’s birth. I’ve known a lot of new useful information. I hope very much to become a good mom ,’ll try to teach my husband to be good father.

Together with my husband we discuss every lesson, I tell him about received new and interesting information. I hope our child will be the happiest. Thank you for everything! God bless you.

The Mavrovs (Ira and Sasha).

Last week we had a meeting with the LCC director. At that lesson we understood that the human’s life is very valuable. We mustn’t do any harm to any people especially to our unborn babies. I think abortion is not the way out of the unexpected pregnancy. If a girl doesn’t know what to do she may address to the Center and receive a qualified help. Parents can also get good advice in the Center.


I think it’s very useful to have such a Center in our town. It helps people to make up their minds about important decisions. I’m sure that our life is very valuable and volunteers of this center try to explain this. Unfortunately I came across with one of such problems – abortion. A year ago my best friend wanted to have abortion. She is 24, married but when she had found out that she was pregnant she was afraid to change her life and bear a baby. We discussed that situation and came to common conclusion – to carry baby term. Now the girl is 8 months, her name is Kate. My friend is very happy. She is very thankful to such center because due to it she is the mother of a beautiful girl.


I liked the lesson. I think that it’s necessary to give such information to people. To my mind such centers are very useful for our country. I think that the abortion is a wrong thing and we don’t have the right to kill a small life. A girl or a woman must think at first before making such an important decision. This child can be the greatest happiness in her life.


During the lesson I knew a lot of interesting things about the pregnancy and abortion. I also understood that the woman shouldn’t do the abortion, that a baby has the right to be born in any situation. Such Centers must be in every town to explain people about the pregnancy, abortion and help them to make the right choices.


At the lesson I made sure once again that the baby’s life in mother’s womb is valuable. Every woman must know that and in any difficult situation she can make the right decision.


Every person ought to appreciate his life and lives of people around him. I don’t understand how girls and women can go to the hospital to kill their babies by abortion. Is this the same for them as to go to the dentist to pull out a tooth? I will never do the abortion. If I am pregnant I will give the birth to my child.


Some questions mentioned during the conversation were already decided for me but I think they are not solved for most of my mates. Moral and social questions are also very important for students because our modern life usually imposes it's views and values on the youth and we do not know what is right and what is wrong. Usually we are left for ourselves when it comes to making a serious choice in the life. Our modern culture also proposes us different ways of spending time that could lead to very unpleasant consequences. Knowledge about them and a real picture of the real life is given by such centers. Their work is a noble one. I believe to safe lives in different meanings of this word is really a noble work.


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