Recovery from Post Abortion Syndrome

80 % of the women who have undergone an abortion (and often men who participated in the abortion) experience Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS).

PAS – is a term that is used to describe the inability of women or men to deal with emotional turmoil, fear, irritability, sadness, guilt, intense grief over the lost child.

Possible PAS Symptoms:

guilt, regret, remorse, nightmares, hostility toward men, sexual problems, drug and alcohol abuse, depression, and even suicide. These symptoms may occur even after 10-20 years.

  • Do you “suppress” your feelings after an abortion trying to convince yourself to “forget and go on with your life”?
  • Do you avoid questions related to abortion?
  • Do you change the topic when there is a conversation about abortion?
  • Do you switch your TV to a different channel when the issue of abortion is being discussed?
  • Do you have painful feelings when you try to remember the physical side of abortion? For example, children, pregnant women and children’s clothes?
  • Are you uncomfortable being happy among pregnant women?
  • Do you feel uneasy when you are around little children, especially infants?
  • Are you depressed, concerned and/or ill on the anniversary of your abortion or the projected birthdate of your unborn child?
  • Do you find yourself being an “observer” with others rather than a “participator”? Have you isolated yourself after the abortion?
  • Have you taken alcohol or drugs after an abortion to “heal” the emotional wound? Do you have any eating disorders?
  • Do you suffer from long periods of depression?
  • Are you afraid that others might reject you and judge you?
  • If you don’t have children, are you afraid that you won’t become pregnant again?
  • Are you afraid that you won’t be able to give birth to a healthy baby?
  • If you have children, do you feel that you are overprotective of them? Do you often worry about their safety?
  • Do you struggle with rage and anger? Do you scold people, especially men and children?

If you responded “yes” to most of these questions then you may need healing.

It might be scary and difficult to do, but the Life Care Center has found an easy way to help you in the process of healing. The Life Care Center will help women to identify how abortion influenced their lives, how to change the attitudes and responses/behaviors that prevent them from experiencing “life in abundance”.

Give us a call and join the support group “Free and Forgiven”. Everything is free of charge and confidential.

tel: (380-4841)5-49-93

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